Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Genesis Part 203948230

I think this is the millionth time I have started a blog, but the good thing is I am going to have to keep up this blog for my Social Media 105 class. But as you can see by the heading of my blog, I really like puns and pandas. I think I am probably one of the most obsessed persons of pandas (I don't know how to phrase that). But my goal in life right now is to just be a good person and love life. Yesterday I saw a quote online, and then added the quote to a picture I had taken in Hawai'i when I was living there. So I'm kind of proud of it and am going to share it:

 So I just got back from my mission last August from Hong Kong, the motherland. The place I didn't want to serve, because my brother served there and etc I was a brat. So when I got my call to serve in Hong Kong, I laughed, but I also had faith that Hong Kong was where I was supposed to be. I had a guy waiting, but long story short - he was a bum and I ended it and the Atonement is real and now he's fat and married to someone else and I am so happy I didn't end up with him, but am happy for him - that he's happy. I was "studying" at BYU-Hawaii before, but then I "ran faster than my strength" and ended up with pneumonia and then got caught up in the lifestyle there. I had never ever wanted to serve a mission and was always saying that I would get married before (can I just add that that seems crazy, I'm 23 now and I feel like 19 or 20 is way too young for me to have gotten married). I had an experience when I had come home from Hawaii and was at a musical fireside (musical firesides have a special place in my heart) and it was a "Dear Journal" returned missionary fireside where in between songs, they would read special times from their mission. I distinctly remember thinking, "crap, I need to go on a mission." So I went, and here I am today, living in Salt Lake City, Utah. The one state I vowed never to live in. But hey, it's not so bad. Maybe because I'm in school and working and I don't have a car. But on the bright side...just kidding haha I love it here. I love the Spirit here at LDSBC. But I love that I am in now rush to get married. I am just living life, focusing on school, taking an eternal marriage class to prepare myself, and possibly have too many guy friends.
It's kind of cool to think about how life changes so much in four years, but I feel like I have matured and had my testimony in Jesus Christ develop, my relationship with my parents are really good, I am definitely not as prideful as I was before (hopefully) but I have such a different outlook on life now. On my mission when we would teach about the Plan of Salvation we would set up a long string, as long as we could make it. From the end of the hallway to the other end and tie a thread on one spot. We would ask our investigators or less actives to measure how long they think our life on earth was. They would without fail, each time measure about a foot or two with their arms, and we would laugh and find that little knot of thread and point to it. Our lives are so small in terms of the eternal perspective, yet so much of that eternity is determined from that thread of a life span.
Be happy, but be obedient. 
"If you're almost obedient, you almost get the blessings." 

Ps this is my new and super pretty friend Jasmine. Be jealous. ✌️

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